Monday, September 13, 2010

LinkedIN and your business

Too Many Social NetworksImage by M. Keefe via Flickr
Over at the smallbiztechnology blog they have great starter information for someone looking to build their business by getting involved in social networking and specifically LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a social networking site that focuses on business relations and is good way for small business owners to get their name out and make contacts that could increase your business.

One thing to keep in mind when it comes to social networking is that there is paradox when it comes to them. If you are looking to help your business you need to study the network and find out the best places to sign up for and get involved.

However, too many people end up spending too much time on the social networking sights and it comes at a cost to both personal and business. Therefore you need to walk a fine line between using the networking sight enough to bring attention to your business but not too much time that you are actually wasting time.

One of the suggestions that the blog makes is to get involved in groups after thoroughly researching them. Groups are a good way to gain information but you must thoroughly research the groups so you are not wasting time on a group that is not going to benefit you. One possibility would be to join some groups and see what you get out of them.

There is a lot to be gained by getting involved in social networking. However, you must make sure the time being spent is paying off for you in the long run and not just wasting time.
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Commercial Waste said...

Great post!! Thanks for sharing such an wonderfumil information ...

Book Scanning said...

Nice post! so interesting...Thank you for sharing it.